
Showing posts from October, 2023

6 Myths About Nutrition You Should Know

Given the complexity and constant evolution of the topic of Nutrition, it is usual for myths and misconceptions to develop. A fitness legend advises that it is better to study more about Nutrition rather than just accepting all the falsehoods. Myth 1- All fats are not healthy. Many people still avoid eating foods that are high in fat and adhere to low-fat diets in the belief that doing so will improve their overall health, despite the fact that this outdated and false assumption is gradually being disproved. Fat in the diet is necessary for good health. Additionally, low-fat diets may increase insulin resistance and triglyceride levels, known risk factors for heart disease, as well as the risk of health problems, including metabolic syndrome. Myth 2- Carbohydrates make you gain weight Eating the right kinds of carbs in the right amounts—such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—can be a part of a balanced diet and not directly result in weight gain. Myth 3- Eat after 8 p.m. ca